
The author is discovered, a boy is born.
A kiss is shared in a hedge maze, a duel is proposed.
A girl is matched with a prince, a letter is faked.
Households prepare matches for marriage, a scandal breaks out.
Girl goes back home to London to help her sister debut, someone faints.
A couple goes on their honeymoon, a girl tries to get pregnant.
A couple must plead for their love, a marriage takes place.

Someone struggles with hugging others, someone is put on trial for ripping another person's arms off.
A pair travels to the moon, someone was discovered to have been murdered.
Someone needs to get fired, clones escape.
One night stand leads to a clingy boyfriend, pension is drained to buy an island.
A password is forgotten, someone is promoted to be the boss only to be replaced by her father.
A yacht hosts a wedding, a woman marries herself.
Someone tries to get a boyfriend using a dating app, 2 people have a Freaky Friday bet.
A team travels to a town stuck in the 80s, someone is sucked out of a plane.
A president is being replaced by a robot, 2 people co-lead a team.

A planet is destroyed, an alien mistakes Earth for another planet.
Martians abduct astronauts, a robot hires clones to build him a body.
Teen almost gets his team killed, someone's cells are discovered to be invulnerable.
A clone euthanizes someone, news choppers capture a fight in a live broadcast.
Thousands are killed, someone leaves Earth.
Someone attacks Mount Rushmore, a new team is put together.
College visit led to heartbreak, someone was confirmed to be the killer of another group.

A team goes on a journey, someone lets off a burst of light.
Someone wrongly believes he was betrayed, a stag chooses the girl.
A team is in search of a stag, blueprints are stolen.
A group infiltrates the palace to kidnap someone, a decoy is attacked.
Someone is interrogated and killed, a ship sinks during a storm.
A stag is killed, letters were discovered to have been intercepted.
A convoy is ambushed, someone is tasked to kill a human trafficker.

Someone is killed, someone falls into the sea.
Marbles are won and lost, someone's dementia is exploited.
A detective's brother had gone missing years ago, a game is resumed.
Someone commits suicide, someone wants to travel to Los Angeles.
A guy deeply in debt plays a game at a train station, hundreds are shot.
A riot breaks out in the dormitory, groups of 10 are formed.
Workers are seen melting pots of sugar, a door has to be picked.
Someone leaves an island, 3 people make it through.

Girl oversleeps and arrives late for the final, a house changes ownership.
An error in a past game was pointed out, a girl becomes co-champion.
Friends call in with advice, a game is played with the locals at a park.
A teenager asks for $5 for an entrance fee, a tranquilizer pill is taken.
A girl loses $5 repeatedly to the same person, a girl is the US champion.
An orphan is delivered to an orphanage, a girl is discovered to be a protege.

A princess discovers her powers, mages decide to fight.
A girl is given the chance to transform her body into her ideal image, a monster is battled until dawn.
Someone gains wishes and uses his last wish to save a girl, someone kills another person and impersonates him.
Someone turns students into eels, a guy meets his singing travel companion.
A guy finally meets his destiny in the forest, someone channels a stream of fire before disappearing.
An assassin kills the queen, a princess' hand is demanded in marriage.
A guy is told of a girl in the forest who is his destiny, a kingdom is captured by its neighbor.

A death is reported in the news, a bomb is planted and goes off.
A woman discovers the accident was really murder, a woman needs to improve her customer service rating.
An assassin tries to kill a woman, a woman commits to being together forever.
A man attends his own funeral, someone wants to sue the car company.
Self-driving car drives into the ocean, someone buys hacks to enter a virtual party.
A woman is called in to assist a couple having sex, a woman reinstalls a dating app.
Someone exploits bugs to get upgrades without paying for them, a woman kicks everyone out from dinner.
A man decides to break up, man is demoted to the lowest data plan.
A self-driving car crashes, a man's consciousness is saved.

People stand frozen in their positions, a town's space is expanded.
A couple puts up a magic show, someone gets pregnant.
A couple settles into a new town, a couple hosts a last-minute dinner.
The town's power gets shut down, someone disappears.
A drone is used to attempt to kill someone, a dog is found dead.
A witch was to be executed, a body wasn't allowed to be buried.
A witch is trapped, someone goes into hiding.
An agency is called in to investigate a missing person case, people are cast in a sitcom.
