Internet Café

A new game, Guild of the Fabled, was launched recently.
Alice: Look, Bob, so many champions to pick!
Bob turns around.
Bob: I like this one! It seems like the best hero to protect the primordial village with!

[Saturday, December 18 at 09:40 AM UTC] Erratum in Internet Café: A typo in the fourth line of dialogue of the second section has been corrected.

Alice: Stanley, the Magical Curer.
Bob: Stanley carries flasks of elixirs and a shield to protect himself. He is speedy and slips in and out of battle, leaving no trail, and drives enemies trying to catch him insane. When allies are low on health, he flings them one of his mega-concoctions.
Alice: The Magical Curer looks like a strong champion. What abilities shall we level first, to turn him into the ideal hero?
Bob: How about Gas Grenades to level five?
Alice: Sounds good. I suggest he levels Alluring Shield to level three, too.
Bob: Alright, I think we are good to go!

Alice: Maximus, the Titanic Triceratops.
Bob: Maximus is a huge, hunched, stout, four-limbed creature. He is a natural behemoth, who tosses and smashes his foes with ease. Furthermore, his hide provides magic protection – when he advances into a new area, enemies are temporarily silenced.
Alice: The Titanic Triceratops looks like a strong champion. What abilities shall we level first, to turn him into the ideal hero?
Bob: How about Lagerstatte Strike to level one?
Alice: Sounds good. I suggest he levels Leaf Arrows to level one, too.
Bob: Alright, I think we are good to go!

Alice: Watson, the Mystical Knight.
Bob: Watson, dressed in red and gold, wields a huge staff longer than himself. His signature move involves spinning around with his staff like a cyclone, striking and crushing enemies. This warrior's staff is also made of pure stone.
Alice: The Mystical Knight looks like a strong champion. What abilities shall we level first, to turn him into the ideal hero?
Bob: How about Thunderous Dash to level six?
Alice: Sounds good. I suggest he levels Javelin Missile to level four, too.
Bob: Alright, I think we are good to go!

Alice: Ophelia, the Last of Chimeras.
Bob: Ophelia's hide is silver and gold, and she carries a huge sphere as a weapon. The sphere is capable of both protecting her and attacking enemies, by releasing dissonant shockwaves. After such an attack, her foes often find themselves wound up some distance away from the point of attack.
Alice: The Last of Chimeras looks like a strong champion. What abilities shall we level first, to turn her into the ideal hero?
Bob: How about Bombs Away to level five?
Alice: Sounds good. I suggest she levels Pandora's Chains to level two, too.
Bob: And Radiant Flames to level seven, as well.
Alice: Alright, I think we are good to go!

Alice: Vanessa, the Noble Herald.
Bob: Vanessa wears red glasses and is armed with a crossbow. She acts during the night hours, as her foes tumble through darkness. She loads her crossbow with silver arrows, and her accuracy condemns whoever stands against her to a miserable fate.
Alice: The Noble Herald looks like a strong champion. What abilities shall we level first, to turn her into the ideal hero?
Bob: How about Caustic Flechettes to level ten?
Alice: Sounds good. I suggest she levels Vanity to level three, too.
Bob: And Draconic Armour to level seven, as well.
Alice: Alright, I think we are good to go!

Alice: Samson, the Undercover Jailer.
Bob: Samson, carries a massive axe, and has a long scar diagonally across his body. He is an unstoppable force, roaring as he surges forward to decimate his enemies. He achieves glory in jailing the souls of his dead foes.
Alice: The Undercover Jailer looks like a strong champion. What abilities shall we level first, to turn him into the ideal hero?
Bob: How about Horned Warden to level two?
Alice: Sounds good. I suggest he levels Brute Force to level eight, too.
Bob: Alright, I think we are good to go!